ReproNim Introduction to ReproNim Training Program

This lesson is a template for creating ReproNim lessons.

It is based on the lesson template used in Neurohackweek, Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops.


09:00 An Introduction to ReproNim Training Curriculum Why do we care about reproducibility?
Can we do anything to improve the reproducibility of our neuroimaging work?
09:01 Episode 0: Reproducibility is a Problem Can you cite some examples where issures related to reproducibility have been documented to be a problem?
09:06 Issues that affect Reproducible Neuroimaging What issues affect reproducibility?
09:11 The re-executable publication of the future Can we publish papers that are more reproducible?
09:16 The ReproNim Training Curriculum Modules How can I learn more?
09:21 Wrap-Up What have we learned?
09:36 Finish