ReproNim Introduction to ReproNim Training Program: Reference

Key Points

An Introduction to ReproNim Training Curriculum
  • We want the user to be introduced to topics in reproducibilty in order to prepare them for the types of items that will be presented in the ReproNim training materials.

Episode 0: Reproducibility is a Problem
  • Ir-reproducibility costs society dearly

Issues that affect Reproducible Neuroimaging
  • We want the user to be cognizant of the important issues that relate to reproducibility.

The re-executable publication of the future
  • We want the user to be introduced to topics in reproducibilty in order to prepare them for the types of items that will be presented in the training materials.

The ReproNim Training Curriculum Modules
  • We want the user to be able to access the ReproNim training materials.

  • A summary of everything so far

FIXME: more reference material.