Computational basis and ReproIn/DataLad

Shell: Getting around the “black box”


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Why and how does using the command line/shell efficiently increase reproducibility of neuroimaging studies?

  • How can we assure that our scripts do the right thing?

  • Provide hints on efficient use of the collected shell history of commands

  • Explain how to make shell scripts more robust and less dangerous

What is a “shell”?

Shell commonly refers to the UNIX shell environment, which in its core function provides users with a CLI (command line interface) to manipulate “environment variables” and to execute external commands. Because desired actions are expressed as typed commands, it becomes possible to script (program) sets of commands to be (re-)executed, using constructs such as loops, functions, and conditional statements. In contrast to graphical user interfaces (GUIs), automation via scripting is a native feature of a CLI shell. Unlike GUIs, which have lots of functionality exposed in menu items and icons, the shell is truly a “black box”, which has a lot of powerful features that you need to discover first to be able to efficiently use it. Because manipulation of files is one of the main tasks to accomplish in a shell, a shell usually either comes with common commands (such as cp, mv, and rm) built-in or is accompanied by an additional package (e.g., coreutils in Debian) providing those helpful command line utilities.

More thorough coverage

In this training event we assume that you know shell basics and will not go through detailed presentation of various aspects that are relevant for making your work in a shell—and research activities in general—more reproducible. We refer you to our full version of the training materials on Unix shells, which covers additional topics such as differences between shells, the importance of environment variables, and unit testing. We encourage you to go through the following materials on your own at a later time:

Seeking help

The majority of the commands are accompanied with easily accessible information about their purpose and command line options.


Typically, commands accept a --help argument (or less commonly -help, e.g. AFNI) and respond by printing a concise description of the entire program and list of its (common) command line options.

Exercise (warm up)

Run some commands you know (e.g. bash, cat) with --help.

Manual pages (AKA “manpages”)

The man command provides access to manpages available for many (if not the majority) of the available commands. Manpages often provide a very detailed description and consist of many pages of textual documentation. It gets presented to you in a pager—a basic command for viewing and navigation of the text file. The pager to be used is specified as an environment variable, $PAGER, two common examples of which are more and less. Some useful less shortcuts include

Excercise: Navigate man for git

Question: What is the short description of the git command?

man -k searches through all available short descriptions and command names.

Excercise: Find commands for work with “containers”


% man -k containers
If you don't use containers, instead of the last command try 
% man -k shell 

Beware of Vim

[Vim and web designer]

Vi and Vim are closely related that are commonly used as the default editor on Unix and GNU/Linux systems. While they are powerful editors, they have a steep learning curve. There is a number of tutorials available online (e.g. this randomly googled one). Here we will just teach you how to exit Vi/Vim if you end up in this unknown territory:

Some important environment variables and commands

Environment variables are not a feature of a shell per se. Every process on any operating system inherits some “environment variables” from its parent process. A shell just streamlines manipulation of those environments and also uses some of them directly to guide its own operation. Let’s overview the most commonly used and manipulated environment variables. These variables are important because they impact what external commands and libraries you are using.

PATH - determines the full path to the command to be executed

Excercise: what is the path in the environment right now

Simply print the current path in the terminal

 % echo $PATH

Different paths are separated by : (For Windows, ;). The order in which we look packages is determined by the order of paths separated by :

Excercise: determine which program (full path to it) executes when you run git

To see which command will actually be run use which COMMAND:

% which git

What about the python command? Try which -a as well.

% which -a python

which -a is a neat way to see all the versions of a package you have available across paths in the environment, listed in the order of paths specified in $PATH environment variable.

Do not mix up which with locate, which (if available) would just find a file with that word somewhere in the file name/path.

Question: How can you add a path to where the shell looks for commands?

  1. So that a command at that location takes precedence over a command with the same name found elsewhere on PATH?

  2. So that a command at the location is run only if a command with the same name is not found elsewhere on PATH? (This is a rarely needed.)


For a new path /a/b/c:

  1. PATH=/a/b/c:$PATH
  2. PATH=$PATH:/a/b/c

Command-line completion

You can avoid typing full command names and paths by using your shell’s completion capabilities. The details and features of completion vary across shells, but most shells offer at least some form of completion. The rest of this section will assume a bash shell.

As an example, you could type mkd followed by TAB. The text will be expanded to mkdir if that’s the only command on PATH starting with those three letters. If those letters don’t uniquely identify a candidate, the text will be expanded to the unique stem, and you can hit TAB again to see the remaining choices. This isn’t very useful for a five letter name, but it can save you from typing out unwieldy things like gunzip sub-16_task-balloonanalogrisktask_run-03_bold.nii.gz.

Advanced completion

Some shells can complete more than just commands and paths, but they may require additional configuration to do so. With bash and a Debian-based system, installing the bash-completion package will add support for more advanced features, such as completing options for some common commands (e.g. mkdir -- then TAB will display a list of mkdir’s long options). And any program can provide its own set of bash-completion rules, which is especially valuable for complex command-line interfaces like git.

Shell history

By default, a shell records the history of commands you have run. You could access it using the history command. When you exit the shell, those history lines are appended to a file (~/.bash_history by default in a bash shell). This not only allows you to quickly recall commands you have run recently, but can provide you a “lab notebook” of the actions you have performed. Thus the shell history could be indispensable to

Eternal history

Unfortunately by default shell history is truncated to the last 1,000 commands, so you cannot use as your “eternal lab notebook” without some tuning. Since it is a common problem, solutions exist. Please review available approaches:

Some of the main keyboard shortcuts to navigate shell history are

Ctrl-p Previous line in the history
Ctrl-n Next line in the history
Ctrl-r Bring up next match backwards in shell history (very very useful one)

You can hit Ctrl-r and start typing some portion of the command you remember running. Hitting Ctrl-r again will bring up the next match and so on. You will leave “search” mode as soon as you use some other command line navigation command (e.g. Ctrl-e).

If you have had enough of searching with Ctrl-r you can simply Ctrl-c to exit incremental search, while still leaving the last search term on the terminal.

Alt-. Insert last position argument of the previous command.

Hitting Alt-. again will bring up the last argument of the previous command and so on. Mac users will have to use Esc-.

History navigation exercise

Inspect your shell command history you have run so far:

  1. use history and uniq to find you most frequently used command
  2. experiment using Ctrl-r to find commands next to the most popular command


Question: What is a shebang?

A shebang is a line at the beginning of a file that specifies what program should be used to interpret the script. It starts with #! followed by the command. For example, if a file blah begins with the following:

echo "Running this script using bash"

then running ./blah is analogous to calling /bin/bash ./blah . The string “#!” is read out loud as “hash-bang” and therefore is shortened to “shebang.”

Hints for correct and robust scripting in shell

Fail early

By default your shell script might proceed with execution even if some command within it fails. This might lead to very bad side effects:

That is why it is generally advisable to use set -e in scripts. This instructs the shell to exit with a non-zero exit code right when some command fails.

If you expect that some command might fail and it is OK, handle its failing execution explicitly, e.g. via

% command_ok_to_fail || echo "As expected command_ok_to_fail failed"

or just

% command_ok_to_fail || :

Use only defined variables

By default POSIX shell and bash treat undefined variables as variables containing an empty string:

> echo ">$undefined<"

which also could lead to many undesired and non-reproducible side effects:

The set -u option instructs the shell to fail if an undefined variable is used.

If you intend to use some variable that might be undefined, you can use ${var:-DEFAULT} or ${var:=DEFAULT} to provide an explicit default value. Both of the :- and := form evaluate to the default value if the variable is unset; the difference is that the := variant also assigns the default value back to the variable.

% : ${notyetdefined:=1}
% echo ${notyetdefined}

set -eu

Just set both “fail early” modes for extra protection to make your scripts more deterministic and thus reproducible.

Do not hardcode full paths in your scripts

Do not copy/paste full paths in your script(s). Define a variable for each “root directory” for a number of relevant paths, like a studypath=/home/me/thestudy, datapath=/data/commonmess. Then use relative paths in specifications, appending them to a “root directory” path if needed, e.g. "$datapath/participants.tsv". This allows your script to work across different machines and on other datasets that conform to the same layout. Relative paths are also preferable when defining the relationship between two components (e.g. datasets, as you will see in the future sections).

Key Points