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Enum: MissingType

URI: MissingType

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
reproschema:Skipped reproschema:Skipped An element to describe the choice when the item is skipped
reproschema:DontKnow reproschema:DontKnow An element to describe the choice when response is not known
reproschema:Unknown reproschema:Unknown An element to describe the choice when the reason for missing response is unk...
reproschema:TimedOut reproschema:TimedOut A boolean element to describe if the response did not occur within the prescr...

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: MissingType
rank: 1000
    text: reproschema:Skipped
    description: An element to describe the choice when the item is skipped.
    meaning: reproschema:Skipped
    title: Skipped
    text: reproschema:DontKnow
    description: An element to describe the choice when response is not known.
    meaning: reproschema:DontKnow
    title: DontKnow
    text: reproschema:Unknown
    description: An element to describe the choice when the reason for missing response
      is unknown.
    meaning: reproschema:Unknown
    title: Unknown
    text: reproschema:TimedOut
    description: A boolean element to describe if the response did not occur within
      the prescribed time.
    meaning: reproschema:TimedOut
    title: TimedOut