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Adding a customized feedback section

To conclude our protocol, we integrate a customized feedback activity. This choice of ending with participant feedback is just one of many possibilities, demonstrating the adaptability of ReproSchema to diverse research needs.

    "@context": "",
    "@type": "reproschema:Field",
    "@id": "feedback.jsonld",
    "prefLabel": "Feedback",
    "description": "schema to record text response of overall feedback of the protocol",
    "schemaVersion": "1.0.0-rc4",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "question": {
        "en": "Please leave any comments or suggestions on the study so we can improve it (or skip):",
        "es": "Deje cualquier comentario o sugerencia sobre el estudio para que podamos mejorarlo (u omitir):"
    "ui": {
        "inputType": "textarea"
    "responseOptions": {
        "valueType": "xsd:string"

The feedback item in this activity (5_feedback) is specifically designed to gather open-ended responses, allowing participants to share their thoughts and suggestions:

  • Item Structure: The item feedback is set up with an identification and purpose, indicated by its @id and descriptive fields.

  • Question Prompt: The question is presented in both English and Spanish, encouraging participants to provide comments on their study experience. It’s formatted to be inclusive, giving participants the option to skip if they choose.

  • UI Configuration for Open Responses: The choice of textarea as the inputType in the ui configuration facilitates extended text input, enabling participants to express detailed feedback comfortably. Accordingly, valueType in the responseOptions has been set as "xsd:string".