Teaching: 70 min Exercises: 35 minQuestions
What is FAIR?
How does FAIR apply to me?
Towards FAIR neuroimaging data.
Overview of BIDS and data standardization
This module should provide you with the ability to work with your data in a FAIR manner
Provide researchers with the proper information on FAIR data so that they can be submitted to the specified workflows and executions environments in a reproducible fashion
Provide an overview of current data standards, such as BIDS, with hands on excercises
Slides with solutions can be found in the sfn2018-training repository: https://github.com/ReproNim/sfn2018-training/tree/master/FAIR
Key Points
There are a number of practical guidelines and best practices for ensuring data supports reproducible research
This module is in line with our overall goal of making science (including scientific training) more open by ensuring that data is made FAIR (Findabile, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).
There are a number of tools and standards to assist in making data FAIR.