
Generate a container#

Use the command neurodocker generate to generate containers. In the examples below, we generate containers with Nipype, Jupyter Notebook, and ANTs.

Please see the Examples page for more.


Run the following code snippet to generate a Dockerfile. This is a file that defines how to build a Docker image.

This requires having `Docker <https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/>`_ installed first

neurodocker generate docker \
    --pkg-manager apt \
    --base-image neurodebian:bullseye \
    --ants version=2.4.3 \
    --miniconda version=latest conda_install="nipype notebook" \
    --user nonroot

You should see a block of text appear in the console. This is the Dockerfile generated by Neurodocker. Instructions in the Dockerfile are ordered in the same way as the arguments in the command-line. To build a Docker image with this, save the output to a file in an empty directory, and build with docker build:

# creating a new empty directory
mkdir docker-example
cd docker-example
# saving the output of neurodocker command in a file: Dockerfile
neurodocker generate docker \
    --pkg-manager apt \
    --base-image neurodebian:bullseye \
    --ants version=2.4.3 \
    --miniconda version=latest conda_install="nipype notebook" \
    --user nonroot > Dockerfile
# building a new image using the Dockerfile (use --file <dockerfile_name> option if other name is used)
docker build --tag nipype-ants .

The image :code: nipype-ants contains :code: ANTs and a Python environment with :code: Nipype and :code: Jupyter Notebook. You can start a Jupyter Notebook with the following command. This will mount the current working directory to work within the container, so any files you create in this directory are saved. If we had not mounted this directory, all of the files created in /work would be gone after the container was stopped. :code: –publish 8888:8888 and :code: –ip –port 8888 is required in order to use Jupyter Notebook from a Docker container.

docker run --rm -it \
    --workdir /work \
    --volume $PWD:/work \
    --publish 8888:8888 \
    nipype-ants jupyter-notebook --ip --port 8888

Feel free to create a new notebook and import nipype.


In most cases the only difference between generating Dockerfile and Singularity definition file (the file that is used to create a Singularity container) is in a form of neurodocker generate command, neurodocker generate singularity has to be used instead of neurodocker generate docker.

This requires having `Singularity <https://sylabs.io/guides/3.7/user-guide/quick_start.html>`_ installed first.

neurodocker generate singularity \
    --pkg-manager apt \
    --base-image neurodebian:bullseye\
    --ants version=2.4.3 \
    --miniconda version=latest conda_install="nipype notebook" \
    --user nonroot

You should see a block of text appear in the console. This is the Singularity definition. To build the Singularity image, create a new directory, save this output to a file, and use sudo singularity build. Note that this requires superuser privileges. You will not be able to run this on a shared computing environment, like a high performance cluster.

# creating a new empty directory
mkdir singularity-example
cd singularity-example
# saving the output of the Neurodocker command in the Singularity file
neurodocker generate singularity \
    --pkg-manager apt \
    --base-image neurodebian:bullseye\
    --ants version=2.4.3 \
    --miniconda version=latest conda_install="nipype notebook" \
    --user nonroot > Singularity
# building a new image using the Singularity file
sudo singularity build nipype-ants.sif Singularity

This will create a new file nipype-ants.sif in this directory. This is the Singularity container. You can move this file around like any other file – even share it with all of your friends.

To run Jupyter Notebook, use the following:

singularity run --bind $PWD:/work --pwd /work nipype-ants.sif jupyter-notebook

Feel free to create a new notebook and import nipype.

Minify a Docker container#

Neurodocker enables you to minify Docker containers for a set of commands. This will remove files not used by these commands and will dramatically reduce the size of the Docker image.

See neurodocker minify --help for more information.


Neurodocker must be installed with pip to minify containers.

pip install neurodocker[minify]

In the example below, we minify one of the official Python Docker images for certain commands. This will remove all of the files in /usr/local/ that are not used by these commands.

ReproZip is used to determine the files used by the commands.

# running a container in the background and assigning `to-minify` name to the container
docker run --rm -itd --name to-minify python:3.9-slim bash
# running minify command for a specific set of python commands
neurodocker minify \
  --container to-minify \
  --dir /usr/local \
  "python -c 'a = 1 + 1; print(a)'" \
  "python -c 'import os'"

You will be given a list of all of the files that will be deleted. Review this list of files before proceeding.

docker export to-minify | docker import - minified-python

Now if you run docker images, the image minified-python will be listed.


Environment variables are lost when saving the minified image as a new image. If certain environment variables are required in the minified image, users should create a new Dockerfile that uses the minified image as a base image and then sets environment variables.

The commands that were run during minification will (read: should) succeed:

docker run --rm minified-python python -c "a = 1 + 1; print(a)"
docker run --rm minified-python python -c "import os"

But commands not run during minification are not guaranteed to succeed. The following commands, for example, result in errors.

docker run --rm minified-python python -c 'import math'
docker run --rm minified-python python -c 'import pathlib'
docker run --rm minified-python pip --help